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dc.contributor.authorРіжняк, Ренат Ярославович-
dc.contributor.authorПасічник, Наталя Олексіївна-
dc.contributor.authorЗавітренко, Долорес Жораївна-
dc.contributor.authorАкбаш, Катерина Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorЗавітренко, А.-
dc.contributor.authorRizhniak, R.-
dc.contributor.authorPasichnyk, N.-
dc.contributor.authorZavitrenko, D.-
dc.contributor.authorAkbash, K.-
dc.contributor.authorZavitrenko, A.-
dc.identifier.citationRizhniak R. The Implementation of an integrative Approach to Learning with use of integrated Images / R. Rizhniak, N. Pasichnyk, D. Zavitrenko, K. Akbash, A. Zavitrenko // Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. - 2021. - №13 (1). – Р. 281-297. : https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/13.1/373uk_UA
dc.description.abstract(en) The article is dedicated to the definition of methodological conditions under which the use of the solution and research of the “task series” generated by a given task topic will acquire methodological expediency in the context of developing students' abilities to solve mathematical tasks of a productive nature. The authors suggested a possible way to solve it through the synthesis of integrated knowledge and the formation of the integrated images of the task topics that allowed students to develop knowledge and skills of integrative mathematical activity.uk_UA
dc.subjectmethodical conditionsuk_UA
dc.subjectintegrated imageuk_UA
dc.subjecttask topicuk_UA
dc.subjecttask seriesuk_UA
dc.subjectintegrative mathematical activityuk_UA
dc.titleThe Implementation of an integrative Approach to Learning with use of integrated Imagesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукометрія. Рейтинги

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