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dc.contributor.authorКуркіна, Сніжана Віталіївна-
dc.contributor.authorКуркина, Снежана Витальевна-
dc.contributor.authorKurkina, Snezhana Vitalievna-
dc.contributor.authorЖуравльов, Віталій Максимович-
dc.contributor.authorЖуравльов, Віталій Максимович-
dc.contributor.authorZhuravlev, Vitaliy Maksimovich-
dc.identifier.citationКуркіна С. В. Професійна компетентність як фактор здатності до праці / Сніжана Віталіївна Куркіна, Віталій Максимович Журавльов // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019. – Вип. 178. – С. 120-125.uk_UA
dc.description.abstract(uk) У статті обґрунтовано, що на початку ХХІ століття роль професійних знань, умінь і навичок значно зросла в усіх сферах діяльності. Необхідність впровадження наукоємних технологій викликала зростання вимог й появу нових критеріїв до професійності фахівців у будь-яких галузях праці. В цих умовах «професійна компетентність» стає не просто додатковим, а найвагомішим фактором «здатності до праці».uk_UA
dc.description.abstract(ru) В статье обосновано, что в начале ХХІ века роль профессиональных знаний, учений и навыков значительно возросла во всех сферах деятельности. Необходимость реализации наукоемких технологий вызвала рост требований и формирование новых критериев к профессионализму специалистов в любых отраслях работы. При таких условиях «профессиональная компетентность» становится не просто дополнительным, а наиболее весомым фактором «способности к труду».uk_UA
dc.description.abstract(en) The article substantiates that in the beginning of the XXI century the role of professional knowledge, skills and abilities has increased significantly in all spheres of activity. The need to introduce hi-tech technologies has led to an increase in requirements and the emergence of new criteria for the professionalism of professionals in all sectors of labor. In these conditions, «professional competence» becomes not only an additional but the most important factor of «ability to work». The author analyzed the latest research and publications on the identified problem and found that the study of the phenomenon of professional competence of the individual are devoted to the work of many domestic and foreign scientists, which focus mainly on issues of education of educators. This is due to the fact that it is precisely this industry that is the engine of creating a professional attitude to work. Consequently, the professional competence of educators is a guarantee of stable and effective training of professionals in other fields of economic and social activity. At the same time, education is a segment of the economy, which creates an important element of national wealth – a fund of knowledge, skills, personal qualities of the workforce. Therefore, today it is extremely important not only to increase the amount of knowledge that quickly obsolete in the modern dynamic society, but also to improve the quality of education, change its vector. The beginning of the ХХІ century was marked by the transition from the traditional model of education – «knows, knows, possesses», to a more significant practical direction of modern education, strengthening its active component «knows and is able to use knowledge» It has been determined that professional culture and professional competence are closely interrelated. Both concepts depend on the general culture and overall competence. The same can be said in relation to professional competence. If natural and partly genetic factors characterize the physical capabilities of the worker, then qualitative mental, intellectual characteristics largely characterize the ability of the individual to mental work. By the way, it does not deny the influence of these factors and physical labor. In many European countries, the concept of competence applies not only to education issues, it promotes the development of the entire social sphere of society. It is the competence that solves vital problems, they allow you to use the knowledge gained during learning, provide an opportunity to apply them throughout life. The international project «DeSeCo», in which leading experts from most European countries worked, developed a definition of the content of key competencies. These include: subject competence acting in the context of the transfer of knowledge and independent operation of knowledge and their critical reflection; personal competence (this refers to the development of individual abilities and talents, the ability to self-examination and self-improvement, the ability to constantly update the acquired knowledge, social competence as the ability to take responsibility, cooperation, initiative, active participation, dynamic knowledge. This concept also implies openness to the world, environmental care, ability to work in a team, communicative skills; methodological competence, the presence of which is a necessary requirement for the development of a subject computer Its condition is flexibility, orientation of learning, ability to independently solve problems, self-determination.uk_UA
dc.publisherРВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченкаuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПедагогічні науки;-
dc.subjectздатність до праціuk_UA
dc.subjectключові компетенціїuk_UA
dc.subjectфундаментальні компетенціїuk_UA
dc.subjectпрофесійна компетентністьuk_UA
dc.subjectспособность к трудуuk_UA
dc.subjectключевые компетенцииuk_UA
dc.subjectфундаментальне компетенцииuk_UA
dc.subjectпрофессиональная компетентностьuk_UA
dc.subjectability to workuk_UA
dc.subjectkey competencesuk_UA
dc.subjectfundamental competencesuk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional competenceuk_UA
dc.titleПрофесійна компетентність як фактор здатності до праціuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПрофессиональная компетентность как фактор готовности к трудуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeProfessional competence as a factor of ability to workuk_UA
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